12 Weeks To Summer Countdown.....
12 Weeks Gold
12 weeks of accountability -
Daily: "show me your meals" Weekly: "show me your tracker sheet" Weekly motivation and info session Quick fire tips along the way Facebook community support €39 per month (billable monthly for 3 months) |
12 Weeks DiamondAll of the Gold Programme plus:
One to One Support - 2 x 30 minute private calls each month Free access to the next 4 Week Program in September - all new recipes! €79 per month (billable monthly for 3 months) |
12 weeks PlatinumAll of the Gold and Diamond Programmes plus:
Monday - Friday direct One to One messaging support with Jemma (via Voxer App) Free access to the next 4 Week Program in September - all new recipes! €149 per month (billable monthly for 3 months) |
Site Map
Contact Details
Jemma Kehoe Dip NT, Dip Pharm Tech, mNTOI
Nutritional Therapist Location: John's Hill, Waterford Contact Number: 087 1 22 25 21 Email: [email protected] |